Through writing, teaching and training, E. D. Erker provides education, and heightens awareness regarding PTSD in an entertaining and inspiring way to deliver much needed hope and courage for women and men.

Thank you for visiting this site. Please take your time and scroll through the menu to visit the characters of ORION ONE, learn more about their training and where you can learn some of the skills like Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Boxing, swordsmanship, and self defense as well as other weapons training. Learn about the Author E. D. Erker, how she came to be the woman she is today, and where she plans to go next. Click HERE for a look at THE CHARACTERS of ORION ONE.
Find out more about Erker’s Action/Adventure Military book series ORION ONE, and how the ORION ONE series will raise awareness and help those affected by PTSD. ORION ONE is historical fiction based on actual events.
Click HERE to find resources for PSTD, veterans services, and humorous and touching stories about men and women in uniform.
Sign up for courses, seminars and private sessions with Erker and her trusted trainers, and check out video classes and recommended books in the training section. Network through Erker’s contact page, and social media platform. CLICK HERE for courses and to find TRAINERS.
Enter numerous galleries of Erker’s incredible world adventures; and learn about the people and cultures that shaped her story and her life.

About This Site
Thank you for visiting this page and supporting my efforts to not only raise awareness surrounding the trauma and effects associated with PTSD; or PTSI (Post Traumatic Stress Injury, which I hope will become a recognized term). More importantly, it is my sincere hope that you will find inspiration and hope to seek out available treatment. I believe with every thread of my being that this does not have to own your life and the lives of those around you, and that you are a courageous warrior who deserves to live a bountiful, beautiful, healthy life that is free of this survivors guilt, and insatiable torment.
Although the stories, and messages are delivered through the eyes of the characters created by me for the book Orion One and its sequels; Their pain and trauma is based on real interviews, personal experiences, and deep connections I have made with some of the greatest men and women serving our country today, and in days past. You can take it to the bank that all of you, men and women have endured great trauma, coming home to virtually fail at transitioning to “normal life,” and nearly ending your own. Some of you have survived by seeking treatments. I say treatments, because the first one you choose may not give you the best results, yet you have to be persistent to slay this dragon. No war was won over night, nor the trauma you have endured inflicted over night. You must have ongoing strength to battle day and night, until this no longer owns you. That day will come because you were born with a strong core, and your core existed long before this trauma took hold of you like a wildfire. You just need the tools to put out the fire, and professionals that are trained in this arena can and will help you.
Alcohol and drugs are like fuel on that fire. Self medicating, and mixing cocktails of prescriptions are a sure fire way to fail not only yourself, but those around you that at one time you took an oath to serve and protect. You wouldn’t rush a front line all fucked up on pills and drunk, because your fellow soldiers and Marines depend on you for their safety. Nor should you approach your healing of trauma without a clear head. Get your body strong, exercise, eat well, drink water, and clear your head by getting out into nature. Your body will begin the healing process and allow your mind a reprieve, while a medical community can support your treatment. Beyond all of these suggestions, do not go it alone. There are thousands of veterans returning from war afflicted and suffering just as you are. There is no shame in banding together and creating a team to battle this together. Allow for your family and friends to support you in your efforts. They feared every day, as you risked your life to protect theirs. They spent countless sleepless nights hanging on the hope that you would return home safely. They will support you. They do not want to lose you, they do not want to burry you.
I believe in your courage and your strength, and want you to know that as I grow as an author, and a trainer, and a public speaker; my efforts will be focused on giving a voice to this mission, and helping in any way that I can. I want you to live, and live joyfully.
Most Sincerely-
E. D. Erker
Upcoming Events
First novel ORION ONE of the series will be available for purchase soon.
Check in periodically to view other up coming events.
Event: Personal Protection/Self Awareness course
Date: March 7-April 7, 2017
Private course: Closed for enrollment
Event: Erker will be in Tucson and New Mexico for Orion One Book events
Date: April 10-April 15, 2017
Event: Erker hosting Veterans in Recovery, for the month of April. Partnership with Rocky Mountain Hyperbaric Treatment Center.
Date: April 3-April 29
Event: Veterans Recovery for the month of June. Partnership with Rocky Mountain Hyperbaric Treatment Center.
Date: June 4-June 30
Videos, Reading Excerpts, Interviews, Author Hosted
Videos will be uploaded weekly. This site is in progress. Thank you for your patience.